
Fifth World Congress on Social Simulation 2014 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

4-7 November 2014

The Fifth World Congress on Social Simulation was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 4-7 November 2014. It was jointly organised by PAAA (Pacific and Asia), CSSSA (North America) and ESSA (Europe). It was co-sponsored by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), FAPESP and CAPES Foundation. Invited speakers were Shu-Heng Chen (Chengchi University,… MORE


Social Simulation Conference 2014 (Barcelona, Spain)

1-5 September 2014

Social Simulation Conference 2014 was held in Barcelona, Spain, on 1-5 September 2014. Invited speakers were Rainer Hegselmann (University of Bayreuth, Germany), Cesáreo Hernández (University of Valladolid, Spain) and Tim A. Kohler (Washington State University, USA).


Fourth ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation 2013 (Hamburg, Germany)

15-19, July 2013

The Fourth ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation was held in Hamburg, Germany on 15-19 July 2013. The programme consisted of lectures from experienced social simulation modellers, student group work and practice. The Faculty included Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey, UK), Klaus G. Troitzsch (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany), Scott Moss (Metropolitan Manchester Business School, UK) and Mathias Meyer (Hamburg… MORE


Ninth ESSA Conference in Social Simulation 2013 (Warsaw, Poland)

16-20 September 2013

The Ninth ESSA Conference in Social Simulation was held in Warsaw, Poland, on 16-20 September 2013. Invited speakers were Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Rob Axtell (George Mason University, USA) and Andrzej Nowak (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland).


Third ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation 2012 (Toulouse, France)

2-6 July 2012

The third ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation was held in Toulouse, France on 2-6 July 2012. The programme consisted of two lectures per day from experienced modellers, and a tutorial session led by experienced researchers where participants acquires practice on agent-based simulation platform and social network analysis tools. The Faculty included Olivier Barreteau (IRSTEA, France), Guillaume… MORE


Eighth ESSA Conference in Social Simulation 2012 (Salzburg, Austria)

10-14 September 2012

The Eighth ESSA Conference in Social Simulation was held in Salzburg, Austia, on 10-14 September 2012. Pre-proceedings were published as volume 48 of Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten, ISBN 978-85283-032-X.


Fourth World Congress on Social Simulation 2012 (Taipei, Taiwan)

4-7 September 2012

The Fourth World Congress on Social Simulation was held in Taipei, Taiwan on 4-7 November 2012. It was jointly organised by PAAA (Pacific and Asia), CSSSA (North America) and ESSA (Europe). It was co-sponsored by National Science Council, Bureau of Foreign Trade and National Chengchi Univ.& College of Social Science. Invited speakers were Alan Kirman… MORE


Second ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation 2011 (Guilford, UK)

18-22 July 2011

The second ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation was held in Guilford, UK on 18-22 July 2011.  The programme consisted of two lectures per day from experienced modellers, together with group sessions led by experienced researchers when participants discussed their modelling plans and experience. The faculty included Edmund Chattoe-Brown (University of Leicester, UK), Bruce Edmonds (Manchester Metropolitan… MORE


The Seventh ESSA Conference in Social Simulation 2011 (Montpellier, France)

19-23 September 2011

The Seventh ESSA Conference in Social Simulation was held in Montpellier, France, on 19-23 September 2011. Invited speakers were: Nils Ferrand (IRSTEA Montpellier), Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich),  Frank Dignum (TU Delft) and Alan Kirman (University of Marseille).  


Third World Congress on Social Simulation, 6-9 September 2010 (Kassel, Germany)

The Third World Congress on Social Simulation was held in Kassel, Germany on 6-9 September 2010. It was jointly organised by PAAA (Pacific and Asia), NAACSOS (North America) and ESSA (Europe). Invited speakers were Marco Janssen (Arizona State University, USA), Wolfram Mauser (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany) and Shingo Takahashi (Waseda University, Japan).


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