SSC 2017-ESSA@work, 25 – 29 September 2017, Dublin

March 19, 2017

Are you currently working on a social simulation project? Do you want to discuss your work in progress?

Then you might be interested to participate in the ESSA@work track during the Social Simulation 2017 conference (formerly: ESSA conference) in Dublin. Participation in ESSA@work is open to all interested modellers (PhD students, Post-doctorates, Lecturers, Professors).

The ESSA@work track offers the opportunity to present problems and questions related to simulation work in progress. The sessions in this track will include presentations and feedback from the audience like in any other session. However, an expert and two co-ESSA@workers will provide in-depth feedback based on the the submitted paper and the presentation. At the end of each ESSA@work session, there will be a group discussion.

Questions and simulation projects presented in ESSA@work sessions can be diverse, but will always relate to work in progress. Exemplary issues are: formalisation, gathering/use of empirical data, (design of) simulation experiments, using programming toolkits, validation & verification. The combination of highly involved people, cutting-edge research and a constructive atmosphere makes the meetings valuable for all participants.

How to apply:

● submit conference contribution (extended abstract or paper)
● flag your wish for an ‘ESSA@work’ presentation
● fill out the Application form (closes 2 days after the conference deadline) which includes:
○ an additional abstract (problem & questions – 250 words)
○ answering a few questions on your background & skills

After submissions have been accepted by the conference review committee, the ESSA@work team will make a selection among the papers that flagged their interest to participate in ESSA@work. This selection will be based on the clarity of the proposed questions and on the stage of the work. Submissions that could not be placed in one of the ESSA@work sessions, will be scheduled in the conference as a regular presentation.

Important dates:
Friday March 31 2017 – SSC 2017 paper submission deadline
Monday April 3 2017 – ESSA@work Application form closes
Friday May 19 2017 – Notification of acceptance at the SSC 2017
Friday June 16 2017 – Notification of acceptance in ESSA@work track

ESSA@work sessions during the Social Simulation 2017 conference 25 – 29 September 2017

More information?

ESSA@work at the Social Simulation Conference: ESSA@work conference edition
General information on ESSA@work: ESSA website
Social simulation conference: Social Simulation Conference 2017

For ESSA@work questions, please contact: jc.eberlen[at], O.Kraan[at] or k.narasimhan[at]

See you in Dublin!

The ESSA@work organising committee:
Julia Eberlen, Oscar Kraan and Kavin Narasimhan

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